The filming of the video was initiated by Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe, who brought a tape recording of his performance of the song “January Snowstorm Thunders”, which he made with the help of Yuri Kasparyan.
At this time, the energetic and gifted Vladik Mamyshev appears on the St. Petersburg artistic stage. It was fun and easy with him all the time. Once he brought a tape recording of his performance of the song “January Blizzard is Thundering”, which he made with the help of Yuri Kasparyan. After listening to it, I was amazed at how well it was done. As good as Mark Almond. We decided to shoot a music video. When they started shooting, it turned out that there was no hot water. Vladik was not confused. With the words “art requires sacrifice,” he took a full bath of icy water and began to undress. But he was never able to dive into the water. In the clip, he can be seen walking into an ankle-deep tub filled with water. He was sitting in a tub of already drained water. I tried all sorts of double exposures and other technical tricks. For example, the lens was half closed, then the film was rolled back, and the second half of the frame was exposed. Thus, the legs turned in one direction, the torso-in the other. By the way, I still have a disk, a sports simulator, on which Vladik was spinning.