Second-Class Travelling

Video Artist: Alena Tereshko
Country: Year: Duration: 3 min 40 sec


Materials for this video were filmed in the train from St. Petersburg to Astana. In the second-class carriage on the upper side of the shelf (this is the common place you get — when you buy a second-class ticket). I spend two days in the train, and this video captures all the highlights of the trip. In this piece, as in my previous work I try to explore the boundaries of the frame and the amount of the space which I can see through the lens.

 This work is also the kind of social research for me. Trains and cars are the over social spaces, very often overcrowded as you can see it here. People are forced to go into crowd, to spend time among strangers and it is often quite uncomfortable. This space is perceived differently in connection with these terms, it is like a small separate life. Perhaps this is because of the constant movement, and that travelling always has the beginning and the end. Anyway, for me it is interesting not only because of formal but because there is also some history of human life.

Alena Tereshko

Alena Tereshko born in 1986 in Ishim (Russia), lives and works in St. Petersburg.

She graduated from Saint Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy named after Stieglitz (2013) and from school for young artists at PROARTE Foundation (2013).A member of art group “Parazit” (since 2012).