A cat Katya and a robot GRRL

Video Artist: Kostya (GoldTV) MiTenev
Video Genre: Country: Year: Duration: 0 min 54 sec


Sound: Igor Vdovin
Animation: Kostya MiTenev, Vasily Zagorodny

Kostya (GoldTV) MiTenev

St. Petersburg , an artist and author.

In the late 1980s, he joined necrorealizm’s Mzhalala-film Studio, which was created by Eugene Yufit. Private screenings of necrorealizm films are held in clubs, palaces of culture, and apartments.

In 1996, together with Alla Mitrofanova, he organised the first Russian cyber-expedition “NETMAN”. Then – the creation of the projects “UNDINE – United Digital Nations”, “XYMAN (constructor of body)” , “Positive Models Of Sankt-Petersburg’s Future” ( VRML project On-Line)

Konstantin MiTenev (Tenev) is the owner and author of the on-line gallery “BIONET”.

Kostya Mitenev, as a participant in the 1993 festival Estrangement (Bauhaus, Dessau), is impressed by the computer's capabilities and becomes an adept of computer art in the New Media movement. He develops the projects HUMAN, UNDINE and BioNET gallery, where through "Web-art" it is possible to exhibit art projects via the Internet around the world . He is the Creator of the first network TV in Russia "Twins TV"( 1997). In 1998, together with Streaming media groups from 9 cities around the world, he organised the first international network Sound Party “Great Clone Party” in Saint Petersburg.