ANTIMUSEUM (Part from the project Meditations and reflections)

Video Artist: Lyoubov (Lubarbara_Blaster) Tuinova
Country: Year: Duration: 12 min 8 sec


Meditations and refleсtions — a seria of 3D animated videos, wich has been created by Lyoubov Tuinova and her virtual double Luybarbara Blaster as an attempt to sketch another system of axes for thinking and perception of the subject that is sunk into the Internet and another virtual reality. These works are the introduction to the further-to-be-completed film about transportation of emotional patterns, on the threshold for a massive research on genesis of perception, thought and reflection. In author’s program such a possible conceptual scheme and its visual counterpart could be presented as a loop of vortexes that unfolds as kaleidoscopic patterns of luminous superstrings. However, practical implementation of such ideas requires to dive into other associated symbols-icons of arch- and meta-levels, such as full-sphere and sphere, plain and point. “Penetration” as a feature of every dynamics becomes possible to visualise as lineal vectors. In this case it was brought by the work of artist-researcher — record-fixation of videostream of Meditations-reflections.

Lyoubov (Lubarbara_Blaster) Tuinova

Lyoubov Tuinova is a young artist and author from Russia with technoetic, telematic, syncretic sense of being. It is extremely interesting how her works affect and transform the viewer, thereby creating a new audience, advancing to an absolute and unattainable horizon of avant-garde.

Lyoubov Tuinova was born in the city of Apatity in 1991, beyond the Arctic Circle. She was educated as graphic designer, musician (conducting, flute), journalist, researcher and master of cultural studies. Master degree of the Institute of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University, artist-researcher in the program of alternative economies in the Institute of Fine Arts at the Biennale de Paris 2014-16. Her works has been exhibited in galleries but also as street art objects and post-Enlightenment propaganda stickers, which are located on the streets of many cities in the world: Brazil (Lensois, Itaunas), Hong Kong, Kathmandu, Montenegro, Scotland (Edinburgh), Russia.