
Video Artist: Joanna Bonder
Country: Year: Duration: 5 min 50 sec


This video work refers to the symbolism of ten numbers. Numbers themselves are an abstract concept, however they have hidden symbolic content when they relate to something particular.

Long before the appearance of writing, a gesture- symbol was used as an expression of the communication. In order to explain a concept -a symbolic thinking was applied. In order to explain different phenomenons, activities or objects, each social group decided on a set of signs understandable for them, consequently there are numerous culturally differentiated areas all over the world. Going into details of each sign from 0 to 9 however, one can find some convergences in thinking as a result of for instance human body anatomy. Symbols are doubled and replicated, their similarity of meaning but at the same time the surprising dissimilarity of thinking about the same sign, validity and explicitly of each of the approaches.


“In my work I am concentrating on the symbolism of the first ten numbers as they make possible showing any other real value. 

In this work, using my own video materials, I am working on automated video footage transformation. Achieving this effect was possible by designing an algorithm which later was processed by computer”.


Joanna Bonder

Born in 1987 in Wrocław, Poland. Graduated MA in faculty of Graphic Arts and Media Arts at The Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw. Before an Art Academy studied mathematics. In 2012 awarded with the scholarship granted by the President of Wroclaw City and by the Academy’s Chancellor. Participated in many exhibitions and art festivals in the country and abroad. In 2014 she got the first prize award at the DigitalBigScreen Festival in Trbovlje (Slovenia) and honorable mention at digital_ia.14 festival in Szczecin (Poland) Now live and work in Katowice, Poland.