Inspiration (TRAILER)

Video Artist: PROVMYZA
Video Genre: Country: Year: Duration: 3 min 11 sec


Mysterious human figures, head down, are moving along the river. The colors of their clothes are mixed with green and brown muddy water and mud. The gestures and choreography of their bodies and the elements of nature mark the slow passing of time. Powerful, disturbing and incomprehensible, with an extraordinary technical and formal care, the new video of the pair of Russian artists Myznikova and Provorov (together they are known as Provmyza) is a new chapter in their creation, a primitive apocalyptic dimension, in which humanity and its rituals seem to appear for the first time; Man and Nature celebrate the ritual of their meeting.

A certain expression philosophical views about the Nature, making impression of inner and immanent unity, essential sameness of Man and Nature. The Nature here is not so much part of space with the figures of people located in it. There is a certain environment reproducing a certain state of the soul. It is the world of slowed down time, metamorphoses of space, tense silence and, finally, poetics of anxiety.

Narration here is dissolved in system of visual images, leaving only sensations.Steered only by the river current the boat is left to the mercy of wild Nature. The people have stiffened in tense expectation and stare into the water depths. Certain tension between the water and the people arises in the boat with an expectation that something is about to happen. The river tempts the people to be forever upset, lost and drowned in the strange and restless environment.

The people veiled by trees and bushes, a strange creature hiding in the water, the faces covered by hair – all of these create an atmosphere of obscurity, secrecy and invisibility. The vagueness and mysteriousness of the actions as well as the unsteadiness of the arising images create an effect of anxious observation of Nature and represent the theme of human hopelessness and despair.

Display instructions

1. Media player (connected with a hard drive or USB flash card)   - 1 piece 
2. Video projector with 16:9 resolution (“widescreen”) - 1 piece
	Full HD
	Technology: DLP
	Contrast min. 3 000:1
	Brightness min. 5 000 lumens
3. Amplifier (1 piece) with optical or RCA (Audio R/L) in.
4. Subwoofer (1 piece)
5. Speakers (2 pieces): min 200 Watt for each
6. Optical cabel to connect media player with an amplifier
7. Audio cabels (RCA) to connect media player wth an amplifier 
8. Acoustic cabels for connection between two speakers and subwoofer

1. Isolated, close and deeply dark (like a cinema hall).
2. The projection wall coincides with a projection by the size.

Additional details

script: G.Myznikova, S.Provorov / PROVMYZA
directors: Galina Myznikova & Sergey Provorov / PROVMYZA
camera: Sergey Provorov, Andrey Skvorzov
support: NCCA (Volga branch, Russia) and KW14 (The Netherlands)
production: Provmyza2010


;67th Venice Film Festival, La Biennal di Venezia. Venice, Italy

;The Great South – 1st Montevideo Biennial, Banco Republica

17th International Contemporary Art Festival SESC Videobrasil. Sao Paulo, Brasil

Tomorrow – International film festival, CHA. Moscow, Russia

Zerkalo – TarkovskyFest International Film Festival. Ivanovo, Russia


Art group PROVMYZA was organized in 1998:
Galina Myznikova, 1968, Gorky, USSR
Sergey Provorov, 1970, Gorky, USSR

The artists work in various genres of contemporary art: experimental films, video art, photography, installation, theatre. Their works were presented at the 51st Venice Biennale,Kunstfilm Biennale (Museum Ludwig, Cologne;Istambul Modern Museum, Istambul; KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin), Hors Pistes (Centre Pompidou, Paris),Biennial of Moving Images (Saint-Gervais, Geneva), Montevideo Biennial (Banco Republica, Montevideo), Viper (Kunsthalle Basel, museum fuer Gegenwartskunst Basel,Basel), WRO media art biennale(Ballestrem Palace,Wroslaw), Fenetre sur le court metrage contemporain (Cinematheque Francaise, Paris),Rencontres Internationales (Palais de Tokyo, Paris), events of Art Fair (Vienna, Kiev etc.), “Novas Vanguardas Russas” os videos de PROVMYZA (Palacio das Artas, Belo Horizonte,Brazil), A(rt)R(ussia)T(oday)-index (The Latvian National Museum of Art, Riga), Moscow Biennale for contemporary arts (Garage museum, CDH, Moscow), International Video Art Biennial “VideoZone-4” (Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv), “Post-vision” (Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, Paris), “The Power of Water” (Benois Wing, The russian Museum, Saint Petersburg), The young, aggressive (Musashino art Museum, Tokyo), “The voice and the chorus” (Museum De Hallen Haarlem, The Netherlands), 21 Russia (Pinchuk Art Centre, Kiev) and other notable events.

Over twenty films of the art group participated in international festivals and were awarded with: Tiger Award for Short Film (38th International Film Festival Rotterdam), Gran Premio for the Best Competing Film (25th Asolo International Art Film Festival), Best Experimental Film (15th Chilean International Short Film Festival).

In 2010 the “Inspiration” film was a part of “Orizzonti” program at the 67th Venice International Film Festival.The film “Eternity” was invited in the Cinema XXI Competition at the 7th Rome Film Festival and was Winner of the Kuryokhin Contemporary Art Award 2013 in Best Media Project nomination (video art, film, video).

In 2010 the “Inspiration” film was a part of “Orizzonti” program at the 67th Venice International Film Festival and the film “Eternity” is invited in the Cinema XXI Competition at the 7th Rome Film Festival.

“Three String Quartets For One Video” as the joint project PROVMYZA art group with composers (A. Nadzharov, G.Dorohov and A.Shmurak) was a Grand Prix winner of the Kuryokhin Contemporary Art Awards. Galina Myznikova and Sergey Provorov as authors of idea and stage directors of opera “Marevo” was Winner of INNOVATION Prize 2012 in nomination “Visial art” of the 8th All-Russian Competition in Contemporary Visual Art.

They live in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.