Description: Director, concept, camera, editing, effects, sound: Myriam Thyes
2nd camera and 2nd sound recording: Monika Pirch
Alpha channel masks: Nikolaus Burhenne
Hands of various people use their smartphones. The displays don’t show any app – only the sensual movements of the hands count. Each pair of hands plays both roles from Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam” at the Sistine Chapel: God father and Adam, whos fingers touch each other. Smartphones are the new saints to which we cling and who guide us on our ways – they are the amulets of our time.
This short version is for all sorts of screenings, from very small (e.g. in a smartphone) to larger monitors or cinema screens.
Myriam Thyes Myriam Thyes is a new media artist from Switzerland and Luxembourg, living in Germany.
1986-92 Academy of Fine Arts, Dusseldorf, Prof. Nan Hoover. Since 1994, Thyes participates in exhibitions and festivals internationally.
Fundings by: сity of Dusseldorf, State of Northrhein-Westfalia, Swiss Federal Office of Culture, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, State of Luxembourg.
AIR: Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris (1990); Glasgow, UK (2008); Styria AIR, Graz, Austria (2015).
Awards: Depict Award 2005, Encounters Festival, Bristol, UK; MultiMedia Prize 2006, Avanca Festival, Portugal.
Publications: UmBildungen / ReVisions (2007); Glasgow Styles / Magnify Malta (2012), both Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg.
Artistic media: video art, animation, digital imagery. Realizes as well as participatory media art projects.