Description: “Nestlings of the Sea” is a plotless film that uses the technique of drawing and scratching on 35mm film. The artist uses old archive films in a new way. The original material is documentary films produced by amateur Soviet studios in the 1970s.
This art is a kind of delayed social art, continuing the tradition of an ironic interpretation of Soviet culture. Many methods bring it close to the aesthetics of the “parallel cinema” of the 1980s. The aggressive “battle for peace” is only the outer layer of the work, its true meaning is the absolute absurdity of everything that official ideology offers.
Video stills:
Boris Kazakov Boris Kazakov is a Russian artist and director. He was born on 13 November 1964 in Leningrad. He graduated from the Institute of Machine Building LMZ-VTUZ. In 1988-1990 he began to paint and exhibited with the group “Old Town” In 1990 he worked with the artist Inal Savchenkov as part of the “Engineers of Art” school. In 1996, he made his first film “Nestlings of the Sea”, using the technique of drawing on film which is traditional for parallel cinema. The film was shown at festivals in Tampere and Stuttgart and received a jury award at Oberhausen-98. In 1999, with his second film “Stakes”, he was invited to the Berlin festival competition, and to festivals in Leipzig and Jerusalem, and won the Grand Prix at the “Kinoshok” festival. In 2000, “Nestlings of the Sea” and “Stakes" were shown in the program of the Rotterdam festival, and afterwards were acquired by the Cinema Museum in Amsterdam. Boris Kozakov also experiments with different methods of animation without a camera, and invented a way to shoot movies with a photo camera. He also works in traditional animation. His other films include “The Eye” (2001), “The Dog” (2001) “Petrograz” (2003), “News” (2003), “Stone Garden” (2004) and “Alphabet” (2004).