Description: Particles party” is the animated part of the project by Alexander Borisov, “Upper World”, dedicated to the architectural sculpture of Petersburg, Classical gods, heroes, historical and legendary characters, mythical beasts and even plants are seen by the author not only as an aesthetically attractive object, but also as a local semiotic system, a memory card and a cultural code.
Alexander Borisov Artist, photographer, designer. Born in 1976 in Tomsk (USSR). Graduated from the philosophy faculty of Tomsk State University, Russia. From 1997 to the early 2000s he participated in the artistic life of Tomsk, working on the theory of modern art, organized a number of events and performances. Since 2004 he has lived in St. Petersburg. At present he works in the field of photography and computer graphics, and develops the theory of the “noise ontology of media systems” and the aesthetics of “visual noise”.