The Cup

Video Artist: Maxim Ilyukhin
Country: Year: Duration: 4 min 53 sec
Video Specifications:


Short video picture about cup of coffee, recycling and about black & white.

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Maxim Ilyukhin

Maxim Ilyukhin was born in 1975 and lives in Moscow, Russia. Ilyukhin works at the intersection of various media. Educated as an engineer of robotics (MSTU, Moscow) and as an artist (ICA Moscow), his interest lies in the creative interaction of technique and thoughts. In 2000, he co-founded the Art Business Consulting group, which focuses on the visual and mental processes of the office habitat.

Since 2004 he has been the manager of his own artist-run gallery and laboratory, which has organized sixty monthly exhibitions of artists. In 2009 Ilyukhin was the project manager of the artist-run art fair Universam where 25 groups and more than 100 artists took part.

Since 2011, he has developed the project OFIS which works with various architects, and has over 20 exhibitions of different types and media. One of the experimental themes for the OFIS gallery was coexisting and working close together. The Hotel Moscow was his curating project in 2013. There were 21 artists from Moscow and Leipzig, and the exhibition space was also a living space and place for developing art and communication. Ilyukhin also makes his own artworks, shows and performances.