«Chaos and Cosmos» video program long list announced

Slider: Francesca Fini (Italy), /S)CONFINAMENTO — first chapter, 2020; Guilherme Bergamini (Brazil), Plenitude / Entirety, 2020; Ellen K. Levy (USA), Crying Astronaut, 2019.

As part of an open-call for participation in the CYFEST-13 «Chaos and Cosmos» video program, we received more than 130 applications from artists and collectives from Brazil, Finland, France, Australia, USA, UK, Norway, Luxemburg, Argentina, Columbia, the Netherlands, Mexico, Japan, Canada, Russia, and other countries. 

We were interested in new digital art of all kinds, from web-based art, generative art, GIF to augmented reality, VR, AI, 3D modeling, neural network art. 

Curatorial concept

An open international competition was announced by the CYLAND MediaArtLab in April 2020. The projects included in the long list will take part in CYFEST-13 International Media Art Festival, which will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia in the first quarter of 2021. Curator of video program — Victoria Ilyushkina.

Winners will be announced soon. Please follow our website for further updates.

Long list: 

  1. Francesca Fini (Italy), /S)CONFINAMENTO — first chapter, 2020
  2. Cecilia Dougherty (USA), Drift, 2020
  3. Aristarkh Chernyshev (Russia), Dystopia #02, 2018
  4. Ellen K. Levy (USA), Crying Astronaut, 2019
  5. Arina Slobodianik (Russia), Isolation / Urban / Zone, 2020
  6. Hayashi Yuki (Japan), Cells and Glass, 2020 
  7. Mikhail Zheleznikov (Russia), Souvenir from America, 2020
  8. Guilherme Bergamini (Brazil), Plenitude / Entirety, 2020 
  9. Olga Kisseleva (France), Conquistadors, 2018 
  10.  Jonathan Phanhsay-Chamson (France), 1000 dreams: Zenti the invincible, 2019
  11.  Andréa Stanislav (USA), Zero Gravity — Nostalgia for Earth, 2020
  12.  Fay Heady (Japan), OTAKU BOI, 2019
  13.  Phyllis Baldino (USA), Run the gamut, 2020
  14.  Terry Trickett (UK), Passeggiata, 2019
  15.  Prantik Basu (India), Palace of Colours, 2019 
  16.  TONOPTIK (Yuriy Tolstoguzov, Alex Inkov) (Russia), ZEN, 2019
  17.  Boris Shershenkov (Russia), Etheroforming, 2020